DQB needs your help.

The slides down on the bottom right hand corner are irritating.
They need to be removed. What to put there in place of them... ?

Anyone have any suggestions?
Slides are gone now.

12/6/09 11:54 PM Easten Time
Upcoming Events.
1. Two Blogs will be covered in one post.
2. DQB wrote an extensive ( 3 f'in pages) reply in reference to a sexiest asshole's post
- He was insulting women and males (by being one of us).
3. One of the above blogs (not linked) did this first and deserve the credit of making fun of asshole face first.
-Which made them win an introduction and a custom built link by us the staff on our site.
4. This should all be done before tonight.

Oops. It will get done, just don't hold your breath
We already know you don't care.